Friday, May 16, 2014

Exploring Outside of Kep Province. Beyond The Pepper Farms.

An Epic Adventure With Our Local Friends.

May 7, 2014

So we decided that two days is not enough and we extended our stay another day. We swam in the saltwater pool, very green and more like a pond but nice. After, we ate a late breakfast and made some calls home to share our stories and check in with family. Today was the day we planned on going to the caves, so of corse we asked the girl who was working here on how far, what it was like.... Her name was Sitaat and she asked if she could go with us... her and another girl from the Vine. We waited till they got off work at 2:30 and hopped on our moto bikes and headed to their village so they could change out of work clothes. At Sitaat's house she introduced us to the whole family and broke out the dried mango paste that they made from the trees on their property which tasted amazing and looked like a fruit roll up.

They also cut some fresh mango and jackfruit for us to take to the caves. On the way there the road was really rough with rocks and dips and we ended up getting a flat tire. We pulled over at the first auto shack we saw, which Sitaat happened to know the people and we tried to put air in the tire but the tube was flat. Apparently the bike we had was not one that they ride in the village and no tubes were available anywhere nearby. They had a motorbike there which we asked if we could use and we left our old bike and headed off to the caves hoping to buy a tube which we could bring back for them to replace. The caves were amazing, the children swarmed up when we got there and kept holding out flash lights hoping that we would choose theirs to use. After the caves we stopped for green mango salad, with shrimp sauce and peanuts which for 4 drinks and 4 salads only was $4. Super local price :) We got the tube and stopped in a dusty town for he girls to pick up fruit for their family and take home. They also picked up another woman so there was now 3 on their bike. On the way home we managed to flatten another tire... This time however it was just flat, not popped.

We did not know what to do, so the smallest girl jumped on our bike and we took theirs and someone came driving by and picked up the other two. We drove back to the auto shack laughing because we flattened their tire too. They did not care one bit and jumped on repairing our broken bike (the 1st one). As they were repairing, it started getting windy and was going to rain. We managed to rush home before the storm and ran straight to our laundry to pull it inside just as it started pouring. I decided to jump in the shower because I was covered in red dust and during my shower the power went out and it was pouring. We went upstairs where we helped shine flash lights to mop the floors which were soaked. We shared our fun day of flattening two different bikes and drank wine and beers over candle light. Best day ever. True Cambodia!!!!

Here's a clip of the local kids hustling up a Cave Tour at Phnom Chhngok. We had a great time, these kids were classic!


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