Monday, May 12, 2014

Several days in but let's start in Phnom Penh


This is our blog that I'll be sharing while Jessica and I travel through South Asia. I'll do my best to script out some of our adventures, highlights, as well great culinary explorations. We've been locked in Cambodia a few days here... but so far, it's been a blast!! We'll follow up with more details on what we've been up to. For now here are some pics. Enjoy.

Phnom Phen

So we'll begin with our first stop, Phnom Penh. For the beginning our blog, until we get some technology issues worked out; all the pics seen will be taken from our Iphones ect... We have an amazing camera and will be working on loading them onto the cloud in one form or another. For now, let's start with some fun stuff.

Transport and Tuk Tuk's: these little rides seem to dominate the scene in Phnom Penh. Jess and I have a been bargaining and avoiding "more than eager" drivers to take us around the city. Our first realization is, the Capital is a lively and active city. There are a ton of people equipped with cell phones and looking to catch up to the rest of the first world. The food was good here and we really wanted to branch out. After going to the National Museum and Royal palace we were ready to roll and see the "rest of Cambodia!"

Food & Stuff To Experience

There was some really fun food to try in the Capital however, now we see that there is so much more amazing things to try throughout the whole country. The food here is amazing. The local food is referred to as Kamar (pronounced: Kum ãï -- or koomaï).

Above are Picts of some of the food scene in Phnom Penh. There are some nice meals to be enjoyed here. This shows Jess and I enjoying Squid Kampot in fresh green pepper sauce. As well, we really enjoyed the beef hot pot, a local friend referred to try. This pic shows us experiencing the dish, while having no idea what to do. :)


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