Monday, July 28, 2014

Last Stops at Southern Islands + Travels With Good Friends

The Journey to Ko Lanta - Good Adventure With Our KL Crew.

Ko Lanta Island - on our van ride to Ko Lanta we met some awesome travelers who we ended up hanging out with for a few days and even kept meeting up with them on different islands and cities. Big ups to Kyle, Andreas, Colleen & Marie, you all are so awesome and amazing!!!

As for Ko Lanta we loved it!!! Small little island where you rent a motorbike to explore hidden beaches and can drive the entire island in a day. The 1st day with our crew we all rented motorbikes and found a beach called bamboo bay where we body surfed, played soccer, (Shawn went Free Diving) and ate at a cute beachfront restaurant while playing a game of scrabble. We eventually parted ways with our crew, but Shawn and I stayed to go on a tour of the a Trang Islands.

On the islands tour we went snorkeling, some of the highlights were hundreds of saltwater catfish bundled up in a rock cave and a giant purple jelly fish which our guide pulled up with his hands. After the snorkeling we went to the most beautiful beach ever for lunch (Jess got in the perfect Kung fu kick) and then headed by boat to a underwater cave which lead to a lagoon inside an island. To get to the lagoon you strap on a life vest and pray that you don't get hurt. It was so fun. You just swim through the cave in the pitch black with parts of the ceiling feeling like it is 1 ft above your head. Super sketchy but once inside it was so worth it.

Ko Phi Phi Island - what can we say... nice sunsets?

The island was too popular with the twenty something who just party and do fire jump rope at night. The island was dirty. We met up with our friends again, but didn't stay for too long. We did another snorkel trip, only because we could tag along with a diving boat because our friend Andreas was diving. That trip was fun because we were the only snorkelers, but we were ready to go to another island.

Ko Yao Yai -

this was our attempt at finding our undiscovered paradise, and we half way succeed. The island was very undeveloped and sure undiscovered, but the only downside was there were no beaches... only sea walls and some gorgeous views of distant islands. We enjoyed ourselves and traveled the island by motorbike. The island is 98% Muslim with only Mosks, no Buddhist temples and there were no dogs (because Muslims can't pet dogs in Southern Thailand). There was also no alcohol at any store, luckily our resort sold booze but it was a tad bit more expensive. Either way we had fun and tried to just relax and enjoy the scenery. Shawn had a HUGE Toad make a new home in his running shoes. He was leaving them out on the deck after morning runs and this little guy ended up heading with us to us via Phuket -- to Bangkok. After a boat ride and a long flight back to the city, he jumped out of the shoe from Shawn's pack and surprised us alive and kicking. We found a local river in the area and set him free with our friend Colleen (from our Koh Lanta crew, who adventured with us back in the city).

Back to Bangkok -

After 2.5 weeks at the islands we were ready to get up north but had to be in Bangkok to get a marriage notary from the US Embassy. We had a great time with Colleen eating, and exploring the slithering foodstuffs of Bankok's China Town. We stayed another few nights working on visas for Myanmar. The embassy row and China Town experience was adventure in itself.






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